It’s a Mutable Life
Well, I’ve been at it for a month now. It has been far from perfect so far, and I am yet to make a sale, but I will not surrender. The hardest part for me is staying motivated to make and stay on top of keeping in touch with you all in this very strange place they call the web. It looks like my cadence for blog posts is at a solid every 8 days, so I’m going to follow that and be thankful for at least having the fortitude to keep this up. I know this form of communication is basically archaic and reserved mostly for internet recipe writers, but for now it is what I have. I will take the plunge and start making videos before the year is through, I believe. I will, of course, keep everyone updated here until then.
Please remember that all year anything I put in the shop here will be drastically discounted. This is a celebration of my finally giving this artist thing a go. I am still dabling in painting with my good friend, and it looks like next week we will be venturing into some baking. Meanwhile, my other stuff has taken a backseat, sadly. I am dealing with tax season and budgeting and car maintenance issues, and it’s taking it’s toll. It’s definitely my excuse for why I keep gravitating towards gaming instead of working my way through. I may try streaming a couple of the games I play, too, eventually. I sure have made myself some big shoes to fill. Haha.
If you are actually reading this, and you are enjoying ANY part of my website, please give me a shout. I need a little help from my friends… or my enemies. We don’t discriminate here. 😘
And to close, here is my latest painting. No, it isn’t amazing, but it is mine. And currently it’s just me getting more familiar with the feel of painting and being creative. I appreciate anyone who is here for their support. even if you just read or comment or browse the site. And I would appreciate even more, anyone who shares my space with others they know. Thanks in advance, and I will see you in 8. 😎 Or sooner if I get a message or a sale!