When I Dip
Ho, and Happy March! I began this week on a tough note, but I am slogging through. I put my back out over the weekend, and I am trying to give the right amount of rest and activity so that it will stop being so aggro. I went to a finance class, did some shopping, and even went through and organized some of the paperwork that has been growing like a tumor. Bleh. Welcome to Saturn in Pisces. To achieve those dreams, we’re going to have to slog through the bog….
My goal this month is to learn to live in the present and use my time wisely, once and for all. I am 3 weeks in now of giving a weekly blog here. If I can get a few more in, it will be habit! I am waiting impatiently for my first sale on here, as I have no idea what to expect. Currently the entire shop is on a big sale. And will be for a while, until I get the hang of things. Please go and check it out, and feel free to message me with questions, comments, and suggestions.
Work in Progress - Don’t Go Meshing My Heart Top by @alice.in.crochetland
I am working on 3 crochet projects at the moment, so do expect the Crochet Works section to grow soon. At least 2 of the items will become available to purchase once finished. However, I will probably be putting them on Etsy at full price, to my Homemadeintheshade storefront. Please see contact page on this site for a link to that page!
I think that is all for now. Thank you for stopping by, and I will be back to share my story again next week!